Hugo, Github, Travis: a step in continuous deployment!

March 30, 2018

  static website continuous deployment blog R inSileco

Kevin Cazelles, Steve Vissault

David Beauchesne


I (Kevin) recently rebuilt my personal website and I was eager to set up the same workflow Steve built for our blog (this blog!), i.e. a combination of Hugo, Github and Travis. I though this was a good opportunity to detail how it works and so I wrote this post with Steve. Note that there are several blog posts on the topic available online, for instance here and here. We did our best to complement them in the following post.

The big picture 📷: continuous deployment for static website

Continuous deployment (CD) is a set of automated procedures to build an environment from scratch and test a software within it as soon as code has been committed. Basically, following a push/modification on the code, the CD service connected to your repository (via a web API) triggers the build of the modified code. Optionally, the CD service notifies the developers whether or not the build has passed. CD services have originally been designed for softwares engineers.

The beauty of the micro services world today is that you can easily adapt services such as CD service to solve a problem. The problem with static website generators is that every time you modify the information on your website, you need to push those edits to your hosting server. I (Steve) hate repetitive tasks, so I decided to use a CD service to automatically build and send the new modified website to the hosting server.

We detail below how we use CD for this blog and As mentioned above, we used Hugo, Github and Travis. Let’s have a few words about those three.

Hugo: static web generator

According to the official website, Hugo is “one of the most popular open-source static site generator” written in GO. Basically, once Hugo is installed, you first pick up a theme, add your data using either YAML, TOML or JSON, write content in Markdown and then Hugo takes care of generating you website for you! Obviously there is way more to say about Hugo 😼! if you are interested to learn even more about Hugo, visit the exhaustive official documentation and watch the great Giraffe Academy tutorials.

For Kevin’s personal website pure Hugo was used and for our blog we are using blogdown that allows us to write our blogposts in R Markdown. In other words we can directly integrate R outputs (results/figures) in our posts, which is a key feature for us as we are big time R users.

On a side note, if you are interested in static site generators at large, have a look at this awesome list. Most of them are good substitute for Hugo in the workflow we are describing, e.g. Steve used Harp combined with pugjs for his personal website.

Github to track the code and host the website

As you could read on Wikipedia:

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.

Github (and similar services like Gitlab and Bitbucket ) are wonderful/essential tools to host, version control, and share your code. For instance, our blog is available at, but if you want to get the whole code underlying it, you can clone it or fork it. Also, if you find any issue/bug, you can easily report an issue. On top of these services, Github proposes to host website through the Github pages a.k.a. gh-pages service. Basically, if your repository or part of it (a subfolder docs or a dedicated branch) is a website, Github will assign an URL to it and so your website will be put on line. We used this service to host our blog at

Travis CI: check and deploy the website

Travis CI is a Continuous Integration (CI) service, i.e. an online service that “[automates] the build and testing of code every time a team member commits changes to version” (Sam Guckenheimer on Visual studio. Note that there are subtle semantic differences between CI and CD, as explained by Sten Pittet on Atlassian. In practice, as soon as we push a new commit on the Github repository of our website, Travis rebuilds an environment on one of his Linux server, i.e. all softwares required are installed (e.g. Hugo), builds the website and reports whether or not the build has passed or not (note that the user can write unit testings for additional checks). Using Travis for our blog ensures that our website can be rebuilt in a specific Linux environment, the very same environment for all authors of the blog. Therefore, even though we develop our website and write posts in different environments (and even different Operating Systems), we can verify that local configurations are not affecting the visual rendering of our website. Furthermore, Travis allows us to deploy our website on a gh-page. After any change is committed to the code underlying our website, the code is checked and the new version of the website is transfered online if the built is successful (The build passed!). Travis is the key to our CD. By the way, Travis CI is really convenient when working with Github (and R as R is a community supported language on Travis). There are however a lot of different CI services. Have a look at this awesome list for more!

Make Travis and Github work together

Once you have an account on Github you can easily sign up to Travis. By doing so, you will actually allow Travis CI to access certain information of your Github account through the OAuth protocol (to see the application you have granted such access, go to settings -> Applications -> Authorized OAuth Apps on your Github account). Travis will then have access to all your public Github repositories (note that you can also gain access to private repository if you want to, but only public repository are free for an unlimited number of builds). The access granted through the OAuth protocol is actually enough to trigger a build of your website on Travis after a push on the associated Github repository. It is however not enough to let Travis deploy your website: an authentication token is required. Below we detail the steps required using the set up process for Kevin’s personal website.

1- Generate a token on Github

  • Go to Settings -> Developer setting -> Personal access tokens on your Github account, click on Generate new token, have a look at the documentation for further details.

  • Enter your password and then select the kind of token you need and name it:

2- Add your token to the repository

  • Go to the settings of your website repository and add Travis in Integration and services as shown in the screencast below:
  • Add your user name and your token:

3- Use the token on Travis CI

  • Go to the associated Travis repository, then open the settings and add and environment variable. Pick up a name that actually makes sense to you and enter the token, we named it $GH_TOKEN as it is short and crystal clear.

4- use the .travis.yaml file

The set of instructions to customize a build on Travis CI are recorded in a .travis.yaml file that must be included in the Github repository of the website. In our case, we want to deploy a Hugo website on the Github-pages which requires a token. All these elements must be mentioned in our .travis.yaml file. For Kevin personal website, as pure Hugo is used, we need to install Hugo and build the public website, here are the parts that contain such instructions (adapted from this):

# Clean and don't fail
  - sudo pip install pygments
  - wget -O /tmp/hugo.deb && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/hugo.deb
  - rm -rf public || exit 0

# Build the website
  - pygmentize -V
  - git submodule update --init --recursive
  - hugo -v

For our blog, we used blogdown and here are what we used in .travis.yaml:

  - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable --yes
  - sudo apt-get --yes --force-yes update -qq
  - mkdir pandoc
  - wget
  - sudo dpkg -i pandoc-
  - export PATH=./pandoc/usr/bin/:$PATH

  - Rscript -e 'blogdown::install_hugo()'
  - Rscript -e 'blogdown::build_site()'

As we used gh-pages from a public repository in both cases, our options regarding the deployment are similar and include all the details about the deployment including the token passed as a environment variable:

  provider: pages
  skip_cleanup: true
  github_token: $GH_TOKEN
  target_branch: master
  local_dir: public
    branch: dev

Note that for both websites, the default branch is dev, where all development occurs, and we deploy the websites on the master branch (see image below). Also we bypass Jekyll processing on gh-pages adding a .nojekyll file in our repository.

About Domain Name System (DSN)

Before reading what follows, note that everything about gh-pages is well explained on Basically, a gh-page is a website associated to a Github repository used, for example, to document a package. To set up a gh-page, go to the setting of the repository then Options, then scroll down to GitHub Pages and activate a gh-page. You have two choices: use the master branch or a subfolder docs/. As explained above we used the master branch. Once set up the URL associate is basically:

  • http:// + user name + + name of the repository.

For instance for Kevin’s repo mapsWithR a gh-page has been used and its URL is Note that you can also have a specific repository for the website associated to your Github account, see This is what we use for our blog (see the URL do not follow the URL rule described above). Last but not least, if you already own a domain, you can use it, as explained here. You will have to deal with your DSN provider though. Kevin used his domain (see image below) for his personal website now hosted on Github pages. I (Kevin) would like to thank my friend Johnathan Lubin for having handled the DSN properly for me 😸, i.e. for having set the A record properly on always data my DSN provider.

See you next post 🔜