
All authors of this blog are ecologists and modelers and therefore inclined to write blog posts related to both ecology and modeling. As modelers, we use various computational tools. However, given the current prevalence of R among ecologists, we tend to write more about R than other programming languages. This website it-self is built with blogdown, a very convenient way to write about R. Note that we are sharing our R-related post on R-bloggers “a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write about R” and there are literally hundreds of bloggers that contribute to it.

David Beauchesne

Postdoc University of Toronto

Elliot Dreujou

Marine Biology Researcher @Inrest

Kevin Cazelles

Data scientist @inSileco

Marie-Hélène Brice

Researcher @Jardin Botanique de Montreal

Nicolas Casajus

Data scientist @FRB-Cesab - Data scientist

Rémi Daigle

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow at Laval University and Simon Fraser

Steve Vissault

Data scientist @inSileco

Willian Vieira

PhD student at iELab