4.4 Import GeoJSON file

This GeoJSON dataset contains watercourses (stream, river) and main ditches of the Montreal agglomeration (available here). Hence, it is a MULTILINE object.

# Download shapefile from web page in your working directory
if (!file.exists("data/courseau.geojson")) {
  download.file("https://data.montreal.ca/dataset/c128aff5-325c-4599-ab66-1c9d0b3abc94/resource/0f64976e-19c1-4d29-bcc5-4b663a392617/download/courseau.geojson", destfile = "data/courseau.geojson")
# For GeoJSON, dsn may be the character string holding the geojson data
courseau <- st_read(dsn = "data/courseau.geojson")
#R>  Reading layer `courseau' from data source 
#R>    `/home/runner/work/rInSpace/rInSpace/data/courseau.geojson' 
#R>    using driver `GeoJSON'
#R>  Simple feature collection with 1306 features and 5 fields
#R>  Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
#R>  Dimension:     XY
#R>  Bounding box:  xmin: -73.97268 ymin: 45.41593 xmax: -73.4975 ymax: 45.69939
#R>  Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#R>  Simple feature collection with 6 features and 5 fields
#R>  Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
#R>  Dimension:     XY
#R>  Bounding box:  xmin: -73.9206 ymin: 45.42815 xmax: -73.9066 ymax: 45.47614
#R>  Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#R>    OBJECTID_1              NOM     TYPE Shape_Le_1 NuméroRui
#R>  1          1 rivière à l'Orme  rivière  177.95299      <NA>
#R>  2          2 rivière à l'Orme  rivière  128.51146      <NA>
#R>  3          3             <NA>    fossé  172.42988      <NA>
#R>  4          4 rivière à l'Orme  rivière  216.66838      <NA>
#R>  5          8             <NA>    fossé  540.29539      <NA>
#R>  6          9             <NA> ruisseau   97.66412      <NA>
#R>                          geometry
#R>  1 MULTILINESTRING ((-73.9107 ...
#R>  2 MULTILINESTRING ((-73.90824...
#R>  3 MULTILINESTRING ((-73.90667...
#R>  4 MULTILINESTRING ((-73.91472...
#R>  5 MULTILINESTRING ((-73.91029...
#R>  6 MULTILINESTRING ((-73.9206 ...